Police Officers Have the Highest Rate of Alcoholism but Firmly Believe Pot Is Horrible Your Response Police?

Question by Joe B: Police Officers have the highest rate of alcoholism but firmly believe pot is horrible your response police?
Police Officers are among the highest regarding professions and alcoholism. The police will preach to the citizens how bad pot is and firmly believe this in their head but once their shift ends they just go home and drink. Of course im speaking in general not all cops drink but the majority of them do and they drink heavily maybe because of the nature of their job but regardless a lot of police drink like fish. Then they drive carelessly because they think their above the law… If I had a nickel for every story I heard involving a drunken cop hitting something then just getting away with it Scott free. Even though it’s your job what makes you police officers so passionately believe pot is a horrible thing and is not to be taken lightly? They say weed is a “gateway drug” that statement in itself says pot is harmless but it could potentially lead to more dangerous things. Were looking at one thing here specifically and that’s “pot” don’t try and bring a bigger picture into this… the statement its a “gateway drug” in my mind is acknowledge meant that the drug in itself is not that harmful but rather you’ll take a bigger picture approach and speak in generalities to avoid that actual question. This is for all you police who so firmly believe pot is a horrible thing… takes a look at your alcoholic brothers in blue who drive while drunk and have no regard for the law. The government’s job is to make sure society is safe… what’s more dangerous to society a drunk or a pothead honestly cops what’s more dangerous? The person sitting home doing nothing or the person who’s drunk not in control of their actions? The government makes so much money off keeping pot illegal with all the fines and the non violent offenders filling up our prison systems making the tax payers pay for their shelter. I just am appalled by the cops who speak about pot as if it’s so dangerous when they know its not. We do not have room in our prisons to keep housing non violent offenders nor do the tax payers want to continue to pay for those people. Prisons are crowed and there’s a simple solution that we won’t use because our government makes an unbelievable amount of money off keeping weed illegal and then they feed their drones (cops) a bunch of nonsense on no tolerance… no discretion if you see someone with weed you must take them in as if they are some threat to society… more like you must take them in so we can collect and make bank off this. Some cop initiatives make no sense… cops should have discretion to make a curb side adjustment with it comes to misdemeanors with no threat of violence… But that wouldn’t make as much money which is what everything comes down to… welcome to the USA
Are you kidding me? Try gooing police an high rates of alcoholism you must be an idiot to not think cops have drinking problems. My premise is correct my friend you must be in denial and not know how to use google. Before you attack someones premise how about you actually do some research moron.
Im a senior crim justice major by the way… we learned in class which can be supported by an google search cops are among the highest in alcohol abuse and the highest in divorce rates… i just love the cop that said my premise is illogical clearly a moron who knows nothing about his own profession.
Your all using non factual evidence to try and bash weed. Give me empirical evidence that can be proven oh wait there is none…. How about I start spitting out the thousands of factual things that can happen when becoming an alcoholic. Alcohol is worse the weed by 10 fold no theres getting around it. Theres not even any conclusive studies saying what weed can and can’t do to you. The only thing we know is that if you smoke you can be a 6 time Olympian named Michael Phelps yea pots really held him back.

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