Drug Abuse and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Drug Abuse and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Different drugs have different effects such as cocaine, may produce an intense “rush” and initial feelings of huge energy. Others, such as heroin, benzodiazepines or the prescription oxycontin, may produce excessive feelings of relaxation and calm. What most drugs have in common, though, is over stimulation of the pleasure center of the brain. With time, the brain’s chemistry is actually altered to the point where not having the drug becomes extremely uncomfortable and even painful. This compelling urge to use, addiction, becomes more and more powerful, disrupting work, relationships, and health. Prescription drug abuse is just as dangerous as street drug use.
What makes one person abuse drugs to the point of losing their home, their family and their job, while another does not? There is no one simple reason. Drug abuse and alcohol addiction is due to many factors. A powerful force in addiction is the inability to self- soothes or gets relief from untreated mental or physical pain.
You may not immediately realize that someone you love has a drug problem. It may have started slowly, and your loved one might also have tried to hide the extent of the drug use from you. You might have gotten so used to the drug abuse that coping with it seems almost normal. Or the realization that there is something seriously wrong is almost too painful to admit. Don’t be ashamed, and you are not alone. Alcohol drug abuse affects millions of families, from every socioeconomic status, race and culture. There is help and support available in the form of drug treatments like Detox treatment and drug rehabilitation. Drug detoxification is used to reduce or relieve withdrawal symptoms while helping the addicted individual adjusts to living without drug use; drug detoxification is not meant to treat addiction but rather an early step in long-term treatment. Thus according to the need of the person treatment pattern can be chosen to suit the person and for early recovery.
Mary John is an Drug Abuse and Alcohol Addiction Treatment counselor and therapist at a leading Fresh Start Private and addiction treatment center. She has expertise in alcohol addiction treatment, alcohol withdrawal symptoms and treatment for alcohol withdrawal. She has written a number of articles and journals on detox treatment and alcohol withdrawal rehabilitation.
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