Beer: Drink for Health? Seriously

Beer: Drink for health? Seriously

Okay, we all know about the dangers of alcohol abuse and how it may lead you to a early demise through the cirrhosis of the liver, or getting into an accident while impaired. However, scientists have also been telling us for several years now in moderation, having a little alcohol can actually have some positive effects on your health and may contribute to a longer and happier life.  When it comes to drinking for health, many people think about red wine with all of its polyphenols and French Paradoxes, however did you know that beer, that drink of choice for the working class, can also be beneficial to your health when it is used in moderation? Here are some ways that this fermented concoction of water, barley and hops can help with your health.

Beer helps prevent Cancer

Researchers has recently discovered that Xanthohumol Flavinoids which are found in hops have the potential to become the base for new anti cancer drugs. These compounds have shown promise in  cases of prostate and colon cancer anf have even been used as a form of hormone therapy for women. Hops, as we all know, is one of the main ingredients used to flavor beer, giving moderate beer drinkers their own dose of cancer fighting potentials.

Beer is Nutritious

You might have heard the saying: “there is a pork chop in every beer”, but before you grab a side of applesauce, please realize that this is not meant to be taken literally. Beer does contain lots of the Vitamin B6, which can help reduce the chances of getting heart disease by decreasing the amount of homocysteine  in the blood stream.

Beer and Heart disease

Research has indicated the people who consume a moderate amount of alcohol tend to have higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol which can help protect the blood and arteries. People who consume beer, have also shown lower fibrinogen levels .  Fibrinogen is a protein which promote blood clots.  Drinkers have shown elevated platelet counts which can help prevent the clotting and stickiness of blood cells,

Kidney Stones

A study by Finnish and American researchers published in the American journal of Epidemiology  in 1999, showed that beer drinkers had a 40 percent lower risk of developing kidney stones. Researchers were not sure whether it was the water, hops or alcohol that contributed to this trend.


Beer can help prevent chromosomal damage caused from harmful X-rays thanks to the beta-psuedourine in the drink. This study was conducted by Japanese researchers for the National Institute of Radiological Sciences as well as the Tokyo University of Science.  They took blood samples from test subjects after they had consumed 630 ml of beer and then exposed these samples to X-Rays and other types of radiation. The samples taken after the beer was downed showed 30% fewer aberrations in the blood cells.

Beer Boosts Memory and keeps you awake

Seriously, a little bit of beer can actually help you remember and stay awake. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology  reported that a Swedish team of researchers from the Karolinska Institute found that mice fed moderate amounts of alcohol actually grew new nerve cells in the brain.  Scientists at Innsbruck Medical University in Austria also found that hops reduces the production of neopterin and the amino acid  tryptophan (that stuff that makes you sleepy after a Thanksgiving Dinner). While the suppression of these to amino groups may help explain the calming effect that beer has, researchers also believe  that it helps make serotonin (the happiness hormone) more readily available thus helping us stay alert and active.

Relaxes and reduces inhibitions

Everyone knows that beer helps you loosen up, making it easier to socialize and have fun. This helps with your sense of personal well being and can help improve your outlook on life. Beer is also a good if you end up acting like a moron during the course of the night. It will accept the blame with no complaint, and be there for you next time you feel the need to act like a bit of a goofball.

Yulia Berry is an independent health researcher and author of the best selling e-books Aloe – Your Miracle Doctor and ‘Pharmacy in Vegetables’. She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding great home remedies and has written dozens of natural health articles published on hundreds of websites worldwide. Yulia Berry’s new ebook Unlocked Secrets of Curative Garlic to be released soon.

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