What Would a School Counselor Do if a Student Score REALLY High on One of Those “Depression Tests”?
Question by montmorency: What would a school counselor do if a student score REALLY high on one of those “depression tests”?
I’ve been seeing this counselor for a while now and last session she mentioned something about me having “depressive symptoms”. Anyway in todays session she gave me one of those, depression/anxiety tests where you circle 0-3 to how much each statement applies to you.
I scored REALLY highly on that test. Like WAY up there. Except it is exam week at my school for my grade at the moment. So… when she calculated my score she looked at it and said, “Perhaps we’ll do another one after exams… yeh it wouldn’t be helpful to map this on the graph” ‘Cause if she did she knew it would have stressed me out to see how high everything was!!
Then on the official score sheet she mumbled something as she was writing to herself that was like, “outside followup/referrals not required at this point” THEN she began talking to me about how antidepressant medication wasn’t used for under 18s.
ANYWAY my question is.. I’m pretty sure that even after exams most of my answers will be the same, giving me the same result. Just wondering what she is most likely to do then. Cause I’m slightly paranoid at this point!!
Best answer:
Answer by liam P
tbh they would probely give you some time off school and assighn you a counciler your parents would be rung and told and you will have to take valum or some other drug
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