Q&A: Smoking Cigarettes During Army X Mas Exodus From Bootcamp.?

Question by Fishbeck: Smoking Cigarettes during Army X mas Exodus from bootcamp.?
Is smoking regular cigarettes allowed during exodus leave from bootcamp? I looked over my sons counseling statement from his commander and in the “drug policy” section it states that abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs is illegal and there is a zero tolerance policy on it. So my question is nicotine allowed to be used during exodus leave from boot camp?

Best answer:

Answer by wraeth
Can if he wants, they aren’t gonna know. Not like they are going to drug test him for nicotine. Only problem is smoking is hard on someone in basic as they have to do a lot of pt. Depending on how much longer he has left and how much he smokes, he could fail his pt test which is not a good thing. I recommend laying off till he is done with training.

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