What to Expect From an Alcoholic Drug Rehabilitation Centre
What To Expect From An Alcoholic Drug Rehabilitation Centre
When you first arrive at an drug or alcohol rehab centre, you will have to go through an intake interview. This is your first meeting with highly skilled therapist. The therapist will ask several very personal questions. try to cooperate as good as you can with your intake therapist ,your intake therapist will diagnose your alcohol or drug addiction problem as well as any co existing psychological disorders through the use very specific standardize criteria.
After your intake interview, you will be given so called information and orientation packet. The contents of this packet will vary between drug rehab centres, but will include a patient’s bill of rights as similar documents, which lists numerous rights to which you are entitled by law. Packet will most likely also include a schedule of activities, information about the alcohol or drug rehab centres History and goals, insurance details as well as other information that is important to your stay .its time to take a look at your living quarters. The belongings and the contents of a patient will be searched intensely.
Objects that are not permitted will either be locked away or destroyed, depending on the legal option. You own clothing is typically allowed however, in some centres their is a dress code. You will meet your drug treatment team.The tem will normally include therapist, case manager etc.
Within the first 24 hours at an alcohol or drug rehab centre, you will have to go through a physical examination. You will need to undergo urinalysis and most likely blood testing to determine which drugs are currently present in your system and in what amounts. The doctor or his staff will meet with you to discus your test results.
Within a couple of days, your treatment team will work out an individualized drug or alcoholism treatment plan. This will include the process for your initial detox, as well as the treatment that will take place next.
An alcohol or drug rehab centre has as its mission to help you, so be prepared to learn more about yourself and your addiction and utilize this knowledge for your own benefit.
Mary John is an alcohol addiction treatment counselor and therapist at a leading cure alcoholism and addiction treatment center. She has expertise in Stop drinking, quit alcohol and cure alcohol addiction subjects. She has written a number of articles and journals on how to stop drinking, alcoholic cure, alcohol abuse, alcoholism treatment, cures for alcoholism, natural cures for alcoholism etc.
Article from articlesbase.com