Worst Mistakes You Can Make as a Parent
Worst Mistakes You Can Make as a Parent
As a parent, you aspire to give your kids everything they want. It’s so hard to say no sometimes because you just want them to be happy all the time. Even though it may be difficult, you’ve got to draw the line somewhere. Teenagers, especially, need to have rules enforced because structure and discipline will make them stronger, more responsible adults. So essentially you are doing them an injustice by being such a pancake. If you are completely lost and have no idea where to lay down the law, just take a look at my list of things teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to do.
1. Gamble. Obviously they aren’t allowed to hit up the casinos yet and thank God for that, but you should also prevent them from gambling with their friends. Games like Texas Hold’em have become increasingly popular with high school students across the nation, but allowing your child to play will encourage them to frivolously waste their time and money. Unfortunately you can’t always police your child’s actions when they are out with their friends, but certainly avoid encouraging these behaviors by buying your son or daughter a poker table this Christmas.
2. Sleepover at their boyfriend or girlfriend’s house. This is the absolute worst thing you can do as a parent. It will most certainly give your child a lax outlook on the dangers of promiscuity. Some parents rationalize they would rather have their kids at home them out at a friends, but by allowing this kind of behavior, you are basically giving your child permission to sleep around.
3. Drink alcohol. You hear plenty of horror stories these days of parents providing alcohol for their children and their friends at parties. This is a huge no-no. Not only is it illegal to provide alcohol to a minor, but will also push your child towards alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcohol is certainly a gateway drug when used irresponsibly by teenagers. So don’t make this common mistake because it can be truly detrimental to your child’s mental and physical health.
Parenting is one of the most difficult and stressful jobs you will ever have, but it’ll all be worth it when your son or daughter grows up to be a valuable member of society. Make smart decisions and be more of a parent than a friend and you’re child will thank you for it later in life.
Article from articlesbase.com
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