Getting Rid of Alcohol Problem

Getting Rid of Alcohol Problem

The constant consumption of alcohol leads to depression and anxiety. It makes you very dependent due to the toxins present in your body which can be very terrible. Your level of anxiety and depression level increases by prolonging the consumption of alcohol. Too much of alcohol increases your chances of being obese as well as get infected by cancers which affects the mouth, larynx, esophagus, liver, heart and colon. There are severe repercussions once you decide to quit drinking. You may suffer from alcohol withdrawal symptoms in an attempt to stop consuming alcohol. These all can be treated by taking care of your diet as well as using some of these homeremedies.

Home remedies for Alcohol Addiction

Having grape diet for a month can help you get rid of the craving. As grapes are the rawest forms of alcohol. You should have it as a three-course meal with five hourly intervals.

Apples also work greatly with this problem as it helps remove the toxins and reduces the craving.

Dates are known to work wonders if you want to treat your alcohol problem. In half glass of water mix four to five dates which have been rubbed together. Drink this kind of mixture every month and wait for the results.

A great antidote for the toxins present in alcohol is – bitter gourd leaf juice. It helps the damaged liver which goes through hell by the consumption of alcohol. You can mix this juice in a glass of butter milk which has to be consumed every morning.

Celery also does wonders for your system as it helps to sober down the alcohol effect which works as an antidote. Consume this mixture of 1/2 a glass of celery juice with 1/2 a glass of water every month to see the changes in yourself

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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