Is Alcoholism Really a Disease?
Question by Shlane: Is alcoholism really a disease?
I honeslty dont beleive that it’s a disease, like cancer is a disease so is heart disease and so on…i think that it’s a weakenss of mind and especially when people tell them it’s an actual disease thus they do think that they are helpless and that they were pre-disposed. Think about it, if you tell someone that it’s not your fault you have an addictive personality that there is nothing you can do, how would they feel? Helpless and they’ll think that it is not their fault. I sincerely beleive that society is making excuses for its failures in some human beings…what do you think? oh FYI my dad and uncle [whom is not related to my dad] are “alcoholics” but the weirdest thing is if they dont find the money for that beer or anything alcoholic for say a week, they are ok but once they find it they loose control so for those of u who think it’s a disease and that i have not lived it, well count that argument out…what do you honestly think???
I am not rude person but what does this mean “they drink because you tell them not to. You are forcing it down their throats with your nonbelief that its a disease”
Ghostlad you couldnt have said it any better babe
alcoholism is a choice, I agree with you Andrew
I dont need to undersand my family cause they are weak and using excuses. Myself, I know for a fact that I will not become an alcoholic because i dont agree with the concept of “predisposition”, I MADE my choice not to be one and that’s that. I do drink socially and know my limits but also i DONT have to drink socially. A simple choice…
My father made his choice, he chose his beverages over his daugther and i havent talked to him and 5 years and i’m only 23. if i ever get the marriage bug [now that’s a disease] I refuse to invite him so he wont emberass me in front of people
Best answer:
Answer by Alejandro
I honestly think is a desease.
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