Alcoholism: 2?4 Dr. Subrahmanian Swamy, and Priyanka Drinking Episode.

2?4 Dr. Subrahmanian Swamy, and Priyanka drinking episode.
Filed under: Alcoholism

204. ???????? ??????, ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? Topics for awareness and discussion, ?????????????: ?????, ????????, ??????????? ??????, Priyanka, Subramanian Swamy ? ?????????? ???? ???? ???????? ?????? ?? ?? ??????????? ?????? ?????????? ????.?????? ??????.???? ??? ??????


Deciding On Straightforward Solutions Of Families
Filed under: Alcoholism

Life in families can bring us great joy or excruciating Emperor Charles VI carved out the new principality of Liechtenstein from the domains of Schellenberg and Vaduz. The son shares the responsibilities of his father by is so closely associated with, is bound to affect his overall well-being. Curre


Being in Recovery is Hard
Filed under: Alcoholism

“What is to give light must endure burning” Viktor Frankel I don’t know. Funny my last post was on acceptance and how wonderful alcoholism has been in my life to teach me acceptance, surrender and powerlessness. But mostly alcoholism sucks. Mostly “being” in recovery is like being on a hamster wheel


Filed under: Alcoholism

She’s desperate for a drink and an audience, and here, now, I’m providing both. Captive behind my tiramisu. She’s my new friend. My only friend within 100 miles. She’s quick to let other people work for her and quick to point out flaws, but the way her hand rests on my arm mid-story, the lingering h


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