I Need a Diagnosis Please!?

Question by : I need a diagnosis please!?
I am a white male, 22 years old, I am about 120 pounds, height is 5-10, I get very little exercise. my heart rate is in normal range.
My symptoms are:
1) groin rash,
2) high blood pressure,
3) joint pain, on elbow and the bottom of my foot hurts when i walk on it sometimes.
4) 1 bloody nose(may not be relevant),
5)swollen lymph nodes on groin neck and on a rib, the swollen ones on my groin seem to have started a couple of months ago. and they hurt on and off.

the groin rash started about 6 months ago but recently it has seemed to spread to the opposite inner thigh.

I tested myself for high blood pressure in 2008 at a walmart. and i had a 149 if i remember correctly, And i really haven’t changed me eating habits since then. I eat very unhealthy to be honest. Lots of sugar, lots of salt. I realize this could be the cause.
I also am experiencing some hair loss.

I’m not sure if all the symptoms are related. I think it might be stage 2 diabetes. or maybe some type of lupus. but I’m not sure. maybe its just a mix of high blood pressure from eating junk food. and infection from rash to explain the lymph nodes. could stress have caused some of the symptoms as well? I lost my job recently… so i don’t have health insurance. and I don’t have the money for a doctor. Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by mrs g4
You are (drumroll)…
A Hypochondriac.

In-store BP machines are notoriously inaccurate, your rash is likely a dermatitis from the laundry soap used, the joint pain is common to every human of every age, bloody nose means dry winter is here, and the lymph nodes are from a minor infection.

There’s nothing wrong with you. Stop reading about illnesses, and your “symptoms” will disappear.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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