Could It Be That James Bond's Martinis Were Shaken Because He Had …
Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center in the News
Could It Be That James Bond's Martinis Were Shaken Because He Had …
Filed under: alcohol abuse treatment center
Speaking of complicated tasks performed at a high level, the research team wondered whether, after years of Bond's chronic alcohol abuse, “he would realistically have the capacity to perform (in all aspects of his life).” To make clear their meaning …
Doctors: addiction is a chronic disease
Filed under: alcohol abuse treatment center
Now a case manager with Talbot Recovery, Jenkins said he too struggles with addiction and each day is a constant reminder of the fight against sobriety. "The most important thing that I do every day, … "The average number of times people need to get …
Parents move to Colorado for 'miracle' pot for children
Filed under: alcohol abuse treatment center
Cannabidiol is believed to act as a brake on parts of the brain that cause epileptic seizures and as a stimulant in other parts that help reduce them, says Igor Grant, director of the University of California's Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research …
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