Alcoholism Help: What Should I Expect at an Al-Anon Meeting?

Question by Mimi M: What should I expect at an Al-Anon meeting?
I want to go to this support group because my husband is an out of control alcoholic. What will happen when I go? Will I have to participate or can I just watch? What happens if I have a complete meltdown? What are the rules I need to follow? Any advice for a newbie?

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyne 185
It just allows support for yourself. You will not be asked to participate, you do so if you want to. It just lets you know how to deal w/ an alcoholic and know that there is help on the opposite end (your end) as well. By the way, I am an alcoholic, and some of my family goes to Al-Anon as well. You’ll be find, best wishes!

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