Effect of Alcoholism: Super Swimmer Michael Phelps?
Question by makjon86: Super Swimmer Michael Phelps?
What do you make of this recent debacle? First a DUI, then pot, maybe later he’ll break out the crack and possibly the meth. Definitely tarnishing his reputation. I would NEVER do those things (or at the very least, get caught) if i had enjoyed that kind of success. He got caught up in his hype and now he’s just another dub jock that should have learned his lesson the first time.
@ smailian an igotcha- Obviously you can’t detect the use of sarcasm and other forms of wit. The latter even tried to cover his a$ $ by acusing me of being a bible-beater. I was merely making a joke in suggesting those ludicrous ideas. Impressive winnings or not, Mr. Phelps should have learned his lesson the first time. He got a pass from me then.
@ Jon- You are stretching, but if you play like that i will too. Beer are cigs are LEGAL as opposed to marijuana which is ILLEGAL. I wouldn’t expect you and your hippie mentality to grasp that, however. Furthermore, and using your ridiculous logic, by use of recreational drugs Phelps shows he is in support of the underground drug rings that are supplied by countries that are considered opposed to America on the world stage. Are you seriously educated in world happenings beyond what your manage to process between bong hits and trips to the fridge during the Daily Show?
@ Jon- You are stretching, but if you play like that i will too. Beer are cigs are LEGAL as opposed to marijuana which is ILLEGAL. I wouldn’t expect you and your hippie mentality to grasp that, however. Furthermore, and using your ridiculous logic, by use of recreational drugs Phelps shows he is in support of the underground drug rings that are supplied by countries that are considered opposed to America on the world stage. Are you seriously educated in world happenings beyond what your manage to process between bong hits and trips to the fridge during the Daily Show?
While I whole-heartedly agree that the legalization and taxing of pot would be a beneficial endeavor, that is not the issue here. It’s a matter of what happened WAS illegal, not whether or not it SHOULD be. And what if he grows his own? Well, he had to get the seeds from somewhere, didn’t he? In my limited botanical experience, i have found that plants just don’t spontaneously grow somewhere. My marijuana funds terrorism argument is as dim-witted as suggesting that people would be just as uptight about him being photographed drinking a beer. He broke the law and that’s where the problem is. He should be reprimanded as Joe Shmo would if these pictures were circulating around his place of work.
Best answer:
Answer by John Holmes
I believe you are right
Just another dumb jock
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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