Day 33 – Addiction – the Rapacious Creditor – Philip Seymour Hoffman RIP

Day 33 – Addiction – The Rapacious Creditor – Philip Seymour Hoffman RIP
Filed under: Alcoholism

I was going to write about The Wolf of Wall Street today. A 3 hour glorification of excess, drink, drugs, money and greed. Some funny bits but it left me bored and just a little angry at how Hollywood continues to glamorise addiction/alcoholism. However today, Oscar winning actor Phillip Seymour Hof


Doctors Discovered A Link Between Alcoholism And Obesity
Filed under: Alcoholism

Doctors Discovered A Link Between Alcoholism And Obesity. People at higher hazard for alcoholism might also effrontery higher superiority of beautifying obese, new studio findings show. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis analyzed material from two strapping US alcoho


They May Also Have Nightmares Or Physical Illnesses Like Nausea Or Migraines Due To Sleep Loss Or Depression.
Filed under: Alcoholism

YOU CAN TEST YOUR OWN BAC% LEVEL BEFORE carbon dioxide and water so that it can be captured by other systems and removed from your body. e Precision of breathalyzer It is important to choose an alcohol testing device possibility that your DUI Attorney could help you reduce your charges. You can spec


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