Alcoholism Facts and Statistics: Police Nab 9 Drivers in Sobriety Checkpoint

Alcoholism Facts And Statistics in the News

Police nab 9 drivers in sobriety checkpoint
Filed under: alcoholism facts and statistics

Drivers who passed through the checkpoint were given an informational handout containing DUI facts and statistics. Police remind citizens to always designate a sober driver or refrain from drinking alcohol if they will be driving. If you see a …


Fremont County Year in Review
Filed under: alcoholism facts and statistics

The rates of accidental deaths, suicide, homicide and motor vehicle deaths in the county were all higher in 2012 than the national average, though the total instances of some of those events decreased from 2011 figures. 23 — Fewer passengers ….. C.T …


Judge's get-tough stance on drunk driving not borne out in court: review
Filed under: alcoholism facts and statistics

But a recent Statistics Canada report shows more than 84 per cent of people charged with drunk driving get convicted. (By comparison, the combined conviction rate across Canada for all other criminal cases is 64 per cent.) … He said although this may …


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