I Have a Pregnant Friend…?

Question by mellitrell: I have a pregnant friend…?
I have a friend who found out that she is pregnant at the end of April. She was told that it was perfectly ok to have a beer or a glass of wine once a week all through the pregnancy. The big problem lies in the fact that she is a borderline alcoholic (before she got pregnant she often went out and got drunk three to six days a week) and to her a glass of wine is the glass filled to the brim. I went rafting with her a week ago and saw her drink three beers. She told me that she was going to go party that night. Another girl we work with saw her there drinking more. I tried to confront her on the situation and she told me to mind my own business that if I really cared I wouldn’t say anything. I’m considering calling her parents and giving them the heads up because several of the people we work with are considering doing an intervention. What would some of you guys do? Please no snide comments this is a very serious situation.

Best answer:

Answer by tamiam
tell her parents. if she keeps drinking like that, that poor baby is going to probably have life long problems.

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