It Seems You Cannot Have the Doctor Without the Monsters*

It Seems You Cannot Have The Doctor Without The Monsters*
Filed under: Alcoholism

*Or, ‘Here He Comes With The Excuses.’ Hello, welcome, and Happy New Year / Teeth / Kidneys. Well, I don’t know about you but 2013 was certainly an eventful year for me, culminating in an almighty blowout online, on the passive aggressive noticeboard that is Twitter. Maybe you’ve seen it, maybe you


Five Minutes of Blackness by Doug Smith
Filed under: Alcoholism

To say that Jesse Collins, former FBI agent and current San Diego detective, is a wounded man would be an understatement. He’s a drunk, plain and simply. Was offered ‘early retirement’ by the FBI, got lucky with sort of a pity hire by a friend in the SDPD, his wife left for Boulder – told him to all


2013/ 2014
Filed under: Alcoholism

Here’s a haiku dedicated to the New Year: With the strike of twelve Permission to navel gaze Granted I reviewed my resolutions from last year and well, I DID go to the dentist. I DID run the NYC Marathon (4h 06m). I used the race as a platform to come out at school as a sexual assault “survivor” and


December 30: See ya next year!! 2014
Filed under: Alcoholism

Hello! Hey Hey Hey! Ok, before I begin this lovely letter, I realize I must start with an expression of my gratitude! I do not believe I even thanked yall for the Christmas presents/love I received. I truly do appreciate everything everyone gave me. It means a whole hecka lot. I had a great Christma


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