Do You Think the Term BIPOLAR Is Overused & Misdiagnosed?

Question by ?Special Red Girlâ„¢: Do you think the term BIPOLAR is overused & misdiagnosed?
How in the HELL can EVERYONE with psychiatric problems be bipolar?

Oh, & how can a person be diagnosed with schizophrenia & bipolar @ the same time? Some of my siblings have that diagnosis. “My mom has a lot of us-9”.

Best answer:

Answer by laurarara
Bipolar and schizophrenia are two very different things. Bipolar is a mood disorder, and schizophrenia is a loss of reality. They can occur together because they are not mutually exclusive.

I think that some people say they’re bipolar when they have perfectly normal mood swings, or because they don’t know the difference between bipolar and depression, and bipolar ‘sounds better’.

But I think that people genuinely diagnosed with bipolar disorder really do have it – I am one of them, and it’s pretty much ruined my life.

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