The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room
Filed under: Alcoholism

First off, this post is inspired by this Tumblr post and this YouTube video, so check those out before reading. Done? Good. I am a 19-year old female member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some call us Mormons. I am attending Brigham Young University. And I have a problem with so


If You Are Not Enjoying It, Stop Doing It!
Filed under: Alcoholism

Statistics about unhappy employees vary significantly from 19% to 60% plus, as do the perceived reasons why. But even at 25%, independent of the reason, this is a significant number of people who spend most of their day engaged in stuff they do not enjoy. As an example, according to Gallup Q12 surve


Foreign Language in the 21st Century Economy
Filed under: Alcoholism

To the Syosset Community, At this month’s Board of Education meeting, which will take place on Monday, December 16 th, at 8:00 p.m. in the South Woods Middle School Auditorium, I will be introducing an item for discussion related to the curriculum in our schools. The Common Core Curriculum, Race to


Filed under: Alcoholism

Welcome to Gilmer County the home of CROOKS and LIARS and Glenville State College that ranks 73 out of 73 colleges in the State of West Virginia for academics but are NUMBER ONE in RAPE! GLENVILLE the county seat of Crooked County where they will steal your property tax money right from the office o


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Filed under: Alcoholism

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