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Filed under: Alcoholism

Originally posted by arhivar_rus — at ??? ?? ????? ? ?? ????, ???… ?????? ?????? ? ??????????????? ?????? – ???????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ??????, ?????????????? ? ??????? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ????, ????????? ?????????????


The Dilemma of Ecology – All in the Name of Progress
Filed under: Alcoholism

By Dr. Abe V. Rotor Death of an Ecosystem • It looks like man has been able to trace the source of the water that comes from the proverbial Pierian Spring, the secret of health and long life. For years it was believed that the spring lies up in Shangri-La atop the Himalayas, or according to the Gree


A New Coat of Paint
Filed under: Alcoholism

By the time you read this, hopefully, the update to my blog will be complete. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t anything special, just a new theme I picked up because I can’t resist a bargain. Again, I hope I’m satisfied with the look. This post is more of an excuse to keep the writing train chugging a


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