Alcoholism: Það Er Allt Fullt Af Fólki Að Reyna Að Hætta Að Drekka

Það er allt fullt af fólki að reyna að hætta að drekka
Filed under: Alcoholism

Ég hef bara notað netið við að hjálpa mér að (.e.a.s finna fólk sem hjálpar mér) að hætta að drekka. Á er hægt að leita að öllu til að sjá hvað fólk er að spá. Meðal annars um alkóhólisma eða að að hætta að drekka. Hér er tengill á umræður frá fólki sem er að reyna að hætta að drekka sem


Alcohol and the Brain
Filed under: Alcoholism

So as college students, alcohol is a huge part of social life. No, that does not mean that everyone does it but it is part of the norm for most colleges. Some people do it socially, having one or two drinks, others do it more often and binge drink but do you know exactly what happens to your brain w


First Holiday Party. Still Sober
Filed under: Alcoholism

Just returned home from my first sober holiday party of the 2013 season. I did no drink. I am eight days sober. I sat with all my friends. Three of us were not drinking. Thank God the other two were at my table. I watched. I looked around. I noticed every time the waiters walked through with the bot


Go On, Welsh Crack-Addict: Take My Money!
Filed under: Alcoholism

It started when I first got off the train in Cardiff. A little old man suffering from an unknown degree of alcoholism approached me. Weighed down by three-thousand kilos of bulky bags, I was vulnerable and unable to break eye-contact to escape before he asked me for one whole pound. (That’s almost T


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