Rob Ford Is Out of Control and a Real Danger to Himself
Spouse Of An Alcoholic in the News
Rob Ford is out of control and a real danger to himself
Filed under: spouse of an alcoholic
In what passes for a family intervention last week, Mother Ford told her wayward son what she expected of him: Get a driver, get an alcohol detector for the car, do something about the weight, and “yes, see a counselor”. But “not away in some … Ford …
To boldly sing like no man has sung before: William Shatner on his new rock …
Filed under: spouse of an alcoholic
One such happened on August 9, 1999, when, returning to his home in California, he found his wife, model Nerine Kidd, dead at the bottom of their swimming pool. A post mortem found she drowned after hitting her head … Nerine, just 40 when she died …
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