Help! My Husband Is Depressed, From Dr. Gail Saltz (VIDEO)
Alcoholism Facts And Statistics in the News
Help! My Husband Is Depressed, From Dr. Gail Saltz (VIDEO)
Filed under: alcoholism facts and statistics
Understand the statistics of this, this is truly a rare event. Minimize Media Overexposure. Once you have gotten the facts for the day, do not continue to watch and read the same stuff over and over. Repeated exposure will likely increase your feelings …
Editorial: Campuses' 'rape culture' must change
Filed under: alcoholism facts and statistics
But the facts are hazed by alcohol consumption and stark differences in the two's recollection of events — and tinged with racial and sexual politics. The accuser, who is white, posted a poem on Facebook filled with racially charged imagery including …
Bill Seeks To Criminalize Co-Sleeping While Intoxicated
Filed under: alcoholism facts and statistics
“But a lot of times, the facts show there was intent to harm a child.” Co-sleeping has resulted … “It's not against the law currently and we don't have good statistics on how many co-sleeping deaths are drug or alcohol related,” says Goth. “But I've …
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