Question, Persuade, Refer

Statistics On Alcoholics in the News

Question, persuade, refer
Filed under: statistics on alcoholics

Statistics on suicide in Indiana show Gibson County has a rate higher than the national average, with 29 suicides from 2006-10 and 60 hospitalizations, with 108 emergency room visits related to suicide attempts during that four-year period. Chapell …


letters: 'Rob Ford is the guy being bullied'
Filed under: statistics on alcoholics

I am an alcoholic, as I suspect Rob Ford is also. Many politicians have been alcoholics. But most have not …. The Statistics Canada website tells us that guns are used in 2.4% of violent crimes in Canada. So how can gun control can be seen as …


Notes from the City Council Meeting
Filed under: statistics on alcoholics

“Alcoholics and drug addicts” are threatening business owners and residents who come to the Arcade Plaza. Aggressive panhandling … Bill Bicklin from The Surfrider Foundation gave statistics as he spoke in favor of the ordinance. He educated the crowd …


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