Won’t You Be My Neighbor~
Won’t You Be My Neighbor~
Filed under: Alcoholism
WOW World Neighbor’s, as read in chapter 33, is doing really great things…and I’ve never heard of them! One of my favorite things they do is an environmental piece and the belief that “sustainable development is a process that local people themselves must lead.” (pg 710). It makes sense, if the co …
Topic: The Mess Going On In Night Clubs In Lagos
Filed under: Alcoholism
Night Club nigeria 2Activities at night clubs and bars in some parts of Lagos State have positive and negative influences. Lagos does not lag behind when it comes to grandiose shows. Some people would even prefer to drum home this fact by using the slogan, ‘Eko for show’, a catchphrase for Lagos’ hi …
Adverbs Unit Plan
Filed under: Alcoholism
Adverbs Unit Plan Adverbs Unit Plan Option for your patientsremedy for urinary tract problems natural. Experttire-tires for less-full service car care-tire care. Tax changes for this year? What should i do. Want to tuck jeans into boots adverbs unit plan. Muscle building workout and a new bodyweight …
In Celebration of Alcohol Awareness week
Filed under: Alcoholism
This week is Alcohol Awareness week. Last week I was meeting with one of our Group leaders who has been ‘dry’ over 15 years and now co-leads an alcohol recovery & support group called Stay Dry Be Free once a week, to support people on their journey to freedom from alcohol addiction. We talked about …
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