Alcoholism Health Effects: Medical Marijuana's Evolving Health Benefits
Alcoholism Health Effects in the News
Medical marijuana's evolving health benefits
Filed under: alcoholism health effects
Yet researchers have been able to do relatively little to test its most promising ingredients for biological activity, safety and side effects. The main reason is marijuana's classification by Congress in 1970 as an illegal Schedule I drug, defined as …
Binge drinking during pregnancy linked to negative emotions
Filed under: alcoholism health effects
Mothers who drink alcohol while pregnant potentially risk their unborn child's health. Alcohol consumption has been linked with increased risk of premature birth, low birthweight, fetal alcohol syndrome and even fetal death. Leading health experts …
Pre-Thanksgiving Drinking Celebration Is A Turkey, Says Loyola ED Chair
Filed under: alcoholism health effects
No one wants to ruin those happy memories with a visit to the emergency department,” says Mark Cichon, chair of the Division of Emergency Services at Loyola University Health System. “Drinking and partying is something that most people can control and …
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