Two-Day Forum Will Urge Action to Bolster Mental Health Support

Alcohol Depression Symptoms in the News

Two-day forum will urge action to bolster mental health support
Filed under: alcohol depression symptoms

Nearly 20 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, according to a 2008 Rand Corp. study, and 280,000 have traumatic brain injury, a condition often accompanied by mental health conditions …


Local facilities ease breast cancer battle
Filed under: alcohol depression symptoms

“Physicians not only focus on disease recurrence, but also issues that can affect survivorship such as anxiety, depression, long-term side effects of therapy, education and health maintenance for prevention of other diseases and social outlets for …


What it's like to live with mommy's depression
Filed under: alcohol depression symptoms

The trajectory to alcohol and substance abuse and unprotected sex, for example, can be traced back to the experiences in early life and where the trajectory started.” To be clear, brief episodes of stress for an infant – Dad being late with a …. A …


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