What Are the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?
Question by Matar F: What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
Best answer:
Answer by JMITW
this could be answered with a simple google search..BE SURE TO USE LEGIT WEBSITES–not personal blogs…medically accepted websites will have a stamp such as HONCODE on the bottom corner
it is easier to describe what it is not here (to point out google search info that is wrong
it is NOT
inflammatory (there is no inflammation)
a thyroid issue
a neck problem
a hormone imbalance
a vitamin deficiency
a general label for aches and pains–even normal due to lifestyle or from another condition
most people diagnosed with fms actually have something else—fms is highly overdiagnosed…even most of the so called specialists are clueless
fms is actually rare….real fms anyway
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