Alcoholism: Independence Day (Review) Childhood Favorites Week
Independence Day (review) Childhood Favorites Week
Filed under: Alcoholism
So this is a project I’ve had on the docket for far too long due to my overwhelming fear of criticizing modern classics. I’ve picked out my ten favorite movies from when I was growing up and revisited them all to see how they would withstand the test of time. For the most part, either because I was …
More Peaceful, It Seems
Filed under: Alcoholism
TMH came over for dinner last night–he’d been traveling for about two weeks, and needed some Girl Time with YD. She’s here with me for the next half week, so it was the only chance he had to see her in quite a long stretch. Yes, I was being kind, thoughtful, and generous.) We sat for a while and I …
Edgar Allan Poe: “The Masque of the Red Death”
Filed under: Alcoholism
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) Writers are influenced by many aspects of their lives. This is seen in no other author’s works more prevalently than Edgar Allen Poe. Poe’s writings are not only influenced by his life, they sometimes are taken directly or almost directly from life experiences; points in …
Alastair Campbell: ‘You have to have at least that threat of military action’
Filed under: Alcoholism
Alastair Campbell, spin doctor once fierce, begins to feel like a “proper” writer. He has just published his third, and is reluctant to talk about politics. But there is no way out of Syria Two versions of Alastair Campbell after Downing street car struck the back of a taxi one day last December, on …
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