Boozy Soaps Blamed for Encouraging Teens to Drink: Study Finds 92% of …
Alcohol Abuse Among Young People in the News
Boozy soaps blamed for encouraging teens to drink: Study finds 92% of …
Filed under: alcohol abuse among young people
The researchers said: 'Our findings demonstrate that prime-time television is a major source of exposure to alcohol imagery among children, and as such is likely to be contributing to uptake and consumption of alcohol among young people in the UK.
Drinking age is 18 in most EU countries
Filed under: alcohol abuse among young people
The fifth European Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (Espad) for Malta, dating to 2011, quotes studies that point to links between alcohol misuse among young people and short and long-term health risks, the use of illicit substances and poor …
Huffing killing more young Kiwis than alcohol or drugs
Filed under: alcohol abuse among young people
There are calls for a new approach to dealing with drugs as a report reveals the numbers of young people dying from substance abuse. The Government report, out today, highlights how many young people are dying by poisoning from huffing, as well as …
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