
Filed under: Alcoholism

I am reading Duff McKagan’s book currently…”It’s So Easy”. I really love reading about musicians lives b/c as they are going through what was happening with them through their careers I can map it perfectly in my head…what I was doing at the same time – I friggin love that…it’s like I am injec


Radio Show Today: What Author Dick B. Has Found About A.A. History
Filed under: Alcoholism

Dick B. Discusses What He Has Found over the Course of His 24 Years of Research on the July 26, 2013, episode of the “Christian Recovery Radio with Dick B.” show on You Can Hear This Radio Show Right Now __________________________________________________________


Malaysian Indians screwed themselves with caste system : Indians admit
Filed under: Alcoholism

Malaysian Indian wrote this. The Indian leadership in Malaysia has always been a subject of criticism. The Indian leadership has not seen a leader with capability to steer the community for socio-economic growth. To date Malaysian Indians are still plagued with fundamental issues of identity card is


Object Lesson in How Not to Be Competent
Filed under: Alcoholism

After enough time, and a drought of job openings that I am overly qualified for, I have reluctantly accepted the fact that my current job will be where I suffer for an undefined, unknown and interminable period of time. During which my life will suck as set forth below… I was hired for my experien


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