The Genetics of Alcohol Addiction – WJXT Jacksonville

The genetics of alcohol addiction – WJXT Jacksonville
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

WJXT Jacksonville

The genetics of alcohol addiction
WJXT Jacksonville
There are many people who drink alcohol and never become addicted. But others, despite the destructive consequences, can't stop. If you looked at Amy Shields-Olson's family photos, you wouldn't know that addiction nearly destroyed her world.



Smoking Leads to More Drinking, Researchers Find in Mice Models – Counsel & Heal
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Counsel & Heal

Smoking Leads to More Drinking, Researchers Find in Mice Models
Counsel & Heal
In this study, the research team used mouse models to study the effects of drinking after smoking. The researchers administered nicotine to the rats, waited awhile and then gave them alcohol to drink. The researchers know that alcohol consumption leads

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