Alcoholism: Al-Anon Meeting Information for Friends and Families Affected by Someone’s … – PR Web (Press Release)

Al-Anon Meeting Information for Friends and Families Affected by Someone’s … – PR Web (press release)
Filed under: Alcoholism

Al-Anon Meeting Information for Friends and Families Affected by Someone's
PR Web (press release)
For anyone whose life has been affected by someone else's alcoholism, there is help available in a local Al-Anon meeting. Finding a meeting in the U.S. or Canada is now easier than ever with the addition of an automated feature to the Al-Anon meeting 



An alcoholic’s journey: why ‘controlled’ drinking is a mirage – ABC Online
Filed under: Alcoholism

An alcoholic's journey: why 'controlled' drinking is a mirage
ABC Online
July is a time when many of us decide to take a temporary break from alcohol. But for author Professor Ross Fitzgerald, a former alcoholic, drinking is an uncontrollable addiction—one drink is too many and a hundred isn't enough. He says eight per



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