What Movie Has the Most Unrealistic Depictions of Drinking or People Getting Drunk?
Question by Jake: What movie has the most unrealistic depictions of drinking or people getting drunk?
I’m talking like people just pounding shots or beer and never puking or having any consequences shown.
Best answer:
Answer by Insanity
You want a True drinkling movie watch
‘Leaving Las Vegas’ – nic. Cage…tries to Die by drinking himself to Death…
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It's a story of highs and lows when talking marijuana
Filed under: movies alcohol abuse
Before long, it's purchased by Dwain Esper, who re-cuts the movie for the "exploitation film" circuit. It will be largely forgotten about until Keith Stroup, founder of the National Organization … 1936 The Federal Bureau of Narcotics — which was …
Lois M. Collins: Homeless teach us how fragile our own lives are
Filed under: movies alcohol abuse
The Ayers-Lopez friendship spawned a movie, "The Soloist." That's far less life-changing than the … Most of the time, it's not just a poverty issue; mental illness and substance abuse (often both and interrelated) are part of it, as well. The biggest …
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