July 4: High Council Myth Busters #1 (Chief of the Staff, Aussies, Sri Lankans)
July 4: High Council Myth Busters #1 (Chief of the Staff, Aussies, Sri Lankans)
Filed under: Alcoholism
July 4, 2013 Greetings in Jesus’ name, friends. He is risen! How’s your soul? —- Are the roots of bitterness gone? —- Have you been to Boston Common? —- Holy! —- High Council MYTH-BUSTERS #1 Myth – Chief of Staff usually becomes the General. These generals served as CoS: Bramwell Booth Edwar …
Hot Rec: Graphite Rain: A Love Story in Twelve Parts by CaptainJacq
Filed under: Alcoholism
Title: Graphite Rain: A Love Story in Twelve Parts Author: captainjacq Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: M Word Count: 144,443 Warnings: Violence, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Adultery, Minor Character Death, Car Accidents Summary: It’s that time old tale, rewoven to fit: Merlin loves Arthur. But this is …
The Surefire Way To Avoid A Hangover? Synthetic Alcohol Of Course!
Filed under: Alcoholism
I like to think that we here at Why Ed (and our readers), are experts on most things alcohol related. Being (self-proclaimed) masters of booze, we know all too well how many balls it sucks to wake up hung-over… Which is why this next bit of news is awfully exciting. Some awesome people over at the I …
2011 (138) Oktober (1) September (30) Agustus (17) Juni (90) A college student has to eat
Filed under: Alcoholism
Week by week pregnancy baby acne information and such information is necessary to help would-be mothers and your partner to deal with this exciting period of your life. There are many anxieties and problems that a would-be mother confronts during the pregnancy cycle and a few weeks beyond that. If w …
8GARAD – Alcoholism
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