Some Info on Panic Disorder?
Question by awwwwcrap: Some info on panic disorder?
Question for people who suffer from panic disorder. Ive suffered from this for a long time. And it seems lately my symptoms are changing. Can some of you let me know what you experience???
I use to take anti depressants, but refuse to been 3 years. Ive had my throat all of a sudden feel like it closed up and couldnt swallow like everything tensed up…then after that full blown panic…..
Best answer:
Answer by titou
In order of severity: Shortness of breath, forgetfulness, teeth-grinding, short uncontrollable temper, suicidal ideation, tunnel-vision, stuck with food in mouth unable to swallow, being “stranded” unable to get out of a telephone booth, trying to ‘pull my lip over my head’, ‘cosmetic’ cutting.
‘Buspar’ helps. Positive imaging helps. Remembering to breathe helps. Strong physical exercise helps, or even screaming into a pillow. 12-step meetings used to help, but they’re more and more overrun with control-freaks. Stay way from the SSRI “anti-depressants” if you can, and the therapists who instantly suggest them. And of course alcohol “self-treatment”, ‘recreation’ and addictive pain-killer type drugs, benzos, and hypnotic sleep-inducers such as Halcyon.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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