NPCs and Three Things

NPCs and Three Things
Filed under: Alcoholism

One of the things I like in the Trail of Cthulhu books is an NPC approach they use called “three things” – give the referee three different colorful elements about the NPC to help characterization at the table. I’m reading through the draft Eternal Lies (sidebar: the Eternal Lies campaign is excelle


Delaware’s Drug/Alcohol Pandemic Discussed – Noon Today On Comcast 28
Filed under: Alcoholism

With the topic so high on the radar, I’d like to bring forward a few words from the front page article on the retirement of Judge Herlihy (News Journal) Sean O’Sullivan reports ~ Dateline Delaware: End of an era – ‘Old school’ judge demanded respect but gave it back If he was given a magic wand to f


Would You Want To Get One Hope You Really Like It
Filed under: Alcoholism

6 election, Hartsburg says “now to me it represents not a losing campaign, but a sore losing campaign.People around the nation are worried about keeping their jobs and not losing their homes or their cars.I speak more to people who are in the middle, sway-able area.Christian Dior is a renowned brand


How much lorazepam is lethal alcohol withdrawal
Filed under: Alcoholism

Buy Ativan (Lorazepam) Online. OVERNIGHT.Watch more Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse videos: Subscribe to Howcast’s YouTube Channel –


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