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Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On The Body in the News
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Filed under: effects of alcohol abuse on the body
NONE of you have and 'alcohal or drug problem' Tell me this, if this was your problem, then just don't drink, but wait, every time you 'just dont drink' you for some odd reason start drinking. see, all of you here have only heard the watered down BS …
People who have more than two alcoholic drinks a day may be TWICE as likely …
Filed under: effects of alcohol abuse on the body
Infections and slow wound healing were the most common complications associated with heavy drinking, according to lead author Marie Eliasen of the National Institute of Public Health at the University of Southern Denmark in Copenhagen. She and her …
addicted to love
Filed under: effects of alcohol abuse on the body
So far, so compelling. But the idea that Rihanna is considering embarking on a 12-step programme – the preserve of drug and alcohol addicts – to get over Brown throws a harsh light on a relatively new addiction. Sex therapist Teresa Bergin observes …
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