Medications for Alcohol Abuse: Prescriptions for Alcohol Addiction Soar by 70% in the Last Decade
Medications For Alcohol Abuse in the News
Prescriptions for alcohol addiction soar by 70% in the last decade
Filed under: medications for alcohol abuse
The use of drugs to treat alcohol addiction increased by 70 per cent in the past decade. Doctors last year prescribed almost £3million worth of drugs, up from £1.72million in 2003. The number of prescriptions for medication to help alcoholics quit or …
ADHD Medication Does Not Raise Risk For Drug And Alcohol Abuse
Filed under: medications for alcohol abuse
Taking medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may not lead to increased risk for substance abuse later in life, according to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry. The report is based on an analysis of 15 previous studies, including 2 …
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