Alcoholism: Some Thoughts on “Much Ado About Nothing.”

Some Thoughts On “Much Ado About Nothing.”
Filed under: Alcoholism

More like Much Ado About Alcoholism, amirite?! Ignore that (but seriously, there’s so much drinking in this movie; I really marvel at all the character’s livers and mine is not unimpressive itself). Anyway, I find that I feel most provoked to write about movies that I really highly anticipate and th


Cue the Amy Winehouse
Filed under: Alcoholism

My parents got divorced when I was 3. She dated a man for three more years, and then they got married. My sisters and I liked the guy… but then they got married. It’s hard to describe why we hated him- it’s not necessarily one specific event that was the pinnacle of his “horribleness”- but rather it


Offspring Fling!
Filed under: Alcoholism

The game really isn’t as creepy as the title may sound. Sometimes it’s nice to just sit down and relax with a nice puzzle platformer. This is exactly that. Lately I’ve not been one for big games but more something I can play for a bit and then quickly stuff away when I’ve had my fill. This game fill


Baby, you are welcome… if…
Filed under: Alcoholism

I woke up in a cold sweat this morning from a nightmare so chaotic, so frustrating, and so exhausting that it threw me into near-terror. There were no monsters. It was just that random things that I was somehow responsible for kept popping up, and there was no framework in which to deal with them, n


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