Alcoholic Help Programs: What Does It Mean to “:trudge the Road of Happy Destiny”?

Question by kittykuddlz1: What does it mean to “:trudge the road of happy destiny”?
In the Alcoholics Anonymous big book, in the promises, it says these words and trudge and happy don’t seem to go together for me. I am trying to understand the significance of this phrase and what it means.

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
No, they do not go together. It’s like “fake it ’til you make it” and “honest program”.

In AA you’re supposed to act like you’re happy and if you pretend long and hard enough, you’ll convince others you’re happy and if enough people think you’re happy, maybe even you will believe it.

Ask an AA member what it means and you’ll most likely get a vacant stare, a goofy smile, and be told it is one of the program’s many paradoxes.

It’s not a paradox, it’s a contradiction. Period.

“Notice how Bill pulls yet another bait and switch stunt there:

First, he seems to be scientific, logical, and reasonable, and then, just when he has you agreeing with him, he switches the intent of his words to the exact opposite, and asks you to embrace blind faith and superstition.
He starts with a statement that is unquestionably true for Western civilization: “This world of ours has made more material progress in the last century than in all the millenniums which went before.”
Then he talks about the evils of superstition, tradition, and all sorts of fixed ideas, and of heresy trials.
Then, just when he has you going along with him, he suddenly reverses the logic and tries to sell you superstition, “the realm of the spirit.”
All of the talk about “modern scientific inquiry, research and invention” was just bait to fool your logical mind, to get you to start accepting his statements.”

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