Gene Sequencing Diagnoses Paralympic Hopeful's Rare Disease

Diagnose Disease Symptoms in the News

Gene Sequencing Diagnoses Paralympic Hopeful's Rare Disease
Filed under: diagnose disease symptoms

Now, researchers have learned what's causing his symptoms—a rare genetic disorder known as MDP syndrome. According to Andrew Hattersley, a Welcome Trust senior investigator at the University of Exeter Medical School in London, Staniford's condition …


Valley View: Long-term antibiotics not warranted for Lyme treatment
Filed under: diagnose disease symptoms

Let's first address which patients have Lyme disease. According to the ILADS, a wide range of persistent symptoms, including “any difficult-to-diagnose multisystem illness,” can be attributed to Lyme disease, and the diagnosis can be made by “clinical …


National City doctor uses app to diagnose rare disease
Filed under: diagnose disease symptoms

Then it spits out a list of results, including photos of the possible diseases that can cause the rash. "I can have a neonate, I can have a small child, or a specific scenario," Diaz said. Last month he used the app to help diagnose a 15-month-old girl …


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