Alcoholism Addiction Treatment: Acupuncture Overcomes Addiction
Acupuncture Overcomes Addiction
See how acupuncture can help you overcome addictions and dependencies and help you live a life of health and moderation. Ingri Boe-Wiegaard of CT Acupuncture…
River North Rehab Center Counters Addiction with Mindfulness – PRWeb
Filed under: alcoholism addiction treatment
“Research suggests that mindfulness is useful in the treatment of pain, stress, anxiety, impulsivity, depressive relapse, disordered eating and addiction," says Dr. Phil Welches, Clinical Director, Gateway Foundation Alcohol & Drug Treatment. Chicago …
Kava Plant May Treat Anxiety
Filed under: alcoholism addiction treatment
An extract from the kava plant can treat people with chronic anxiety, an study from Australia finds. Patients with generalized anxiety disorder who took kava extract tablets for six weeks showed a significant reduction in their symptoms, compared with …
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