Alcohol Abuse: Kids Who First Drink During Puberty at Greater Risk of Alcohol Problems –

Kids Who First Drink During Puberty at Greater Risk of Alcohol Problems –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Medical Daily

Kids Who First Drink During Puberty at Greater Risk of Alcohol Problems
New research shows that youths who first drink during puberty are at greater risk for developing later alcohol problems. “Most teenagers have their first alcoholic drink during puberty. However, most research on the risks of early-onset alcohol use up
Adolescents Who Start Drinking During Puberty More Likely To Develop Alcohol Medical Daily
Underage drinking during puberty may increase problem with alcohol use
Pints Before Puberty Makes Risky AdultsdailyRx

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Recognizing The Signs Of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, is a serious illness that often requires immediate treatment. Not everyone knows what to look for in terms of alcohol abuse, bu…


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