Alcohol Abuse: Adolescents Who Start Drinking During Puberty More Likely to Develop Alcohol … – Medical Daily

Adolescents Who Start Drinking During Puberty More Likely To Develop Alcohol … – Medical Daily
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Medical Daily

Adolescents Who Start Drinking During Puberty More Likely To Develop Alcohol
Medical Daily
Investigators in Germany found in a longitudinal study that neurodevelopmental changes during puberty leave the body particularly susceptible to later development of alcohol abuse disorder, with much higher drinking levels than seen in people who began
Kids Who First Drink During Puberty at Greater Risk of Alcohol
Underage drinking during puberty may increase problem with alcohol use
Pints Before Puberty Makes Risky AdultsdailyRx

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Girls in rehab for alcohol problems – Perth Now
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Girls in rehab for alcohol problems
Perth Now
Esther Foundation executive director Patricia Lavater, a former Australian of the Year finalist, said the clientele at her drug and alcohol recovery program had changed in the past five years from drug users in their 20s to girls with alcohol problems

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Study: Female college students abuse alcohol more than men –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse


Study: Female college students abuse alcohol more than men
New research shows that female college student drinkers exceed National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) guidelines for weekly drinking more frequently than their male counterparts.
College women more likely than men to exceed alcohol consumption guideline VR-Zone
College women exceed NIAAA drinking guidelines more frequently than college EurekAlert (press release)
College Women More Prone to Problem Drinking Than Men: StudyU.S. News & World Report
dailyRx –
all 9 news articles »



Drug & Alcohol Abuse: Why do people use drugs and alcohol? ~ (561) 842-9550 Dr. Mark Agresti, West Palm Beach Drug & Alcohol Detox Specialist — Psychiatrist, discusses why people use drugs a…


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