Top Ten YA Road Trip Novels by Ben Kuhlman

Top Ten YA Road Trip Novels by Ben Kuhlman
Filed under: Alcoholism

When the weather starts to warm up, the trees put their leaves back on, and the sun decides to stay up for more than just a few hours, many of us start to think about travel. There are just more places to go in the summer, more time to go there, and more desire to get out and look around. In short,


Filed under: Alcoholism



More Americans Committing Suicide than During the Great Depression
Filed under: Alcoholism

Higher Numbers of Americans Take Their Lives than During the Depths of the Great Depression Suicide rates are tied to the economy. The Boston Globe reported in 2011: A new report issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that the overall suicide rate rises and falls with t


“CAMBRIDGE SPIES” (2003) Review
Filed under: Alcoholism

“CAMBRIDGE SPIES” (2003) Review There have been a great deal of movies, plays and television productions about four of the five former Cambridge University students who became spies for the Soviet Union. One of the more recent productions turned out to be BBC’s four-part television miniseries called


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