I Don't Want to Grow Up
Alcoholic Therapy in the News
I Don't Want to Grow up
Filed under: alcoholic therapy
You're an alcoholic loser? Go to AA, clean up and become the CFO of a large company. Owe thousands to the IRS? We'll help you pay that off in a jiffy and you can still keep your house. You're fat We'll staple that stomach up and you'll be dancing …
'Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald,' by Therese Anne Fowler
Filed under: alcoholic therapy
Did she suffer from borderline personality disorder, or was she bipolar, as contemporary psychiatrists like Peter Kramer have argued? Was she truly mentally ill, or a victim of a controlling, alcoholic husband and a patriarchal society? Perhaps her …
Billy Currington, Elderly Abuse Charges Stem From Boating Argument
Filed under: alcoholic therapy
Back in 2007, he took a break from touring to attend intense therapy sessions to deal with the lasting effects of more than a decade of physical and mental abuse at the hands of his stepfather. The Grammy-nominated country star has admitted that his …
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