Alcoholism: Fired Oregon Officer: Alcoholism Was a Disability – Chicago Sun-Times

Fired Oregon officer: Alcoholism was a disability – Chicago Sun-Times
Filed under: Alcoholism

Opposing Views

Fired Oregon officer: Alcoholism was a disability
Chicago Sun-Times
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A police officer fired for driving drunk in an unmarked police car while off-duty has filed a $ 6 million lawsuit against the city of Gresham, the police chief and others, alleging his rights were violated under the Americans with
Fired Police Officer Sues, Claims Alcoholism DiscriminationAOL Jobs
Oregon Police Officer Jason Servo Fired for Drunk Driving Sues, Claiming Opposing Views
Fired Officer Claims Alcoholism As Disability, Sues City – The InquisitrThe Inquisitr
all 19 news articles »



Jason Servo: Police Force Can’t Fire Me Just Because I’m An Alcoholic – Huffington Post
Filed under: Alcoholism

Jason Servo: Police Force Can't Fire Me Just Because I'm An Alcoholic
Huffington Post
The lawsuit filed in Portland alleged the officer, Jason Servo, was suffering from alcoholism, a recognized disability under the act, and shouldn't have been dismissed. The suit also alleged Servo was denied due process, and the police union failed to



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