How to Beat Alcoholism: Was Joseph McCarthy a Victim of His Time?

Question by sunita: Was Joseph McCarthy a victim of his time?
I have an essay and I dont know what reasons to give. This links back to the Cold War, as his hype created the era of McCarthyism. Help me find REASONS!!!
And I would like support for both sides of the argument. Thnks(:

Best answer:

Answer by Vulcan
Well – he was a republican drunk – very typical of his lying, over dramatic party. Richard Nixon was one of his helpers. He was certainly a victim of something which made him turn on others in great hatred. He wasn’t a victim of his time so much as probably a victim of his father who beat him too much.

At one point McCarthy was able to threaten everybody including Eisenhower! Then he suddenly “died of alcoholism” at the local hospital (or somebody put a round through his head finally and spared us all anymore of his hate and rage).

What do you think? Answer below!

Morgan Triplett, UCSB Student, Hired Man To Beat Her, Then Filed Rape Report
Filed under: how to beat alcoholism

spinner. A California student accused of filing a false rape report with police had placed an ad on Craigslist in which she sought to hire someone to beat her in exchange for sex, according to prosecutors. Morgan Triplett, a 20-year-old student at the …


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